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Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation - Town Planning
General | Town Planning Rules | Activities

Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation - Town Planning

           The Town Planning section is headed by the Chief Town Planning Officer / Executive Engineer (Planning) in main office, assisting the Commissioner to pass orders on Town Planning files.

          The Assistant Town Planning Officer is in each Zone offices assisting the Assistant Commissioners
in Zone Offices in Town Planning matters.  All the field staffs like the Assistant  /  Junior Engineers are in Zone Offices are also looking after the  Town  Planning activities  in the Zones.  Each Zone is having one Town Surveyor ,   who are on deputation from the Directorate of Survey and Settlement of Records are in charge of town survey activities.  They are answerable to the Corporation, Revenue and Survey Department officials.

           The following are the activities of Town Planning Section : -

  • Building Permission.

  • Unauthorised Construction.

  • Permission to Installation of Electric Motor.

  • Fee Schedule of Town Planning.

  • Implementation of Master Plan.

  • Enforcement of Detailed Development Plans.

  • Land use.

  • Town Survey.

  • Encroachment Eviction.

  • Land Acquisition.

  • Land Schedule.

  • Town Planning Standing Committee.

  • Places of Public Resorts Act.

  • TamilNadu Parks, Playfields & Open Spaces Act.

  • Licensed Building Surveyors.

  • City Beautification Projects like Bus Shelter, Road side parks, Traffic Islands, etc..

  • Scheme of Regularisation of Unapproved Layouts.(Successfully completed the Scheme. The achievement is 99%).

  • Scheme of Regularisation of Unauthorised Buildings.

  • GIS.

  • Automation of Town Planning functions( Have plan to introduce the new system from April,2008 onwards).