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Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation - Achievements

Achievements During the Year 2002-03
  1. Government Schemes

    Under Government funded schemes, a total of  51 works were taken up at a cost of Rs.240.00 lakhs and completed during 1998 - 99.

  2. The Corporation of Coimbatore has formed new roads and maintained the bus route roads with a budget allotment of Rs.1280/- lakhs. Totally 394 works were taken up for execution at a cost of Rs.704.12/- lakhs and completed as follows:-

New Formation of B.T.Road in newly formed layouts.

14.17 km

116.59 Lakhs

Foot path, culvert, C.C. Pavements


148.73 lakhs

Renewal of A.C. roads

5.44 km

68.13 lakhs

Renewal of interior B.T.roads

72.48 km

714.93 lakhs



704.12 lakhs

Water Supply/Drainage

Water Supply

  1. Improvement Schemes Under Execution And Cost

    Under the Pilloor improvement scheme to maintain an equitable per capita supply of 110 liters through out the Corporation area, sixteen additional O.H.Ts, 41 kms. length of feeder mains and 176 kms of Distribution mains are to be provided at a cost of Rs.27 Crores. Under Phase I, Rs.10 Crores loan has been obtained from T.N.U.D.F and 2 Crores have been provided from Corporation funds. For the balance amount, HUDCO has agreed to finance Rs.15 Crores as loan for this scheme.

  2. Stage

    Out of 16 O.H.T. reservoirs proposed under the Pilloor improvement scheme three O.H.T. reservoirs are completed and reamining 12 Nos. are in progress.Distribution main has already been laid in Peelamedu and Ganapathy areas. Laying of feeder main and distribution mains have been taken up in Udayampalayam, Varadharajapuram and Masakkalipalayam area.

  3. Agency of Execution

    The entire improvement schemes are being executed by the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board.

  1. Works taken up with Government Assistance

    The Government has sanctioned a sum of Rs.500/- lakhs in G.O.Ms.No.106 Dated 05.06.98 to this Corporation both roads and drains. Under basic amenities scheme,  44 works of construction and reconstruction of storm water drains at an estimated value of Rs.297.20 lakhs has been taken up and completed at a cost of 256.17 lakhs.

  2. Corporation funds

    Under the Corporation funds, storm water drain construction and reconstruction and also water supply repairs have been taken up to a value of Rs.940 lakhs. So far Rs.698.22 lakhs has been spent.

Street Lights:

  1. Number Maintained in Different Categories
  2. The Corporation maintains various types of streetlights as detailed below:

    Sodium Vapour Lamp(250W)                 Sodium Vapour Lamp(70W)

    .. 12,178 Nos.


    Tube Lights

    .. 5,437 Nos.

    Others (Focus & Mercury Lamps)


    High Mast Lights

    .. 13 Nos



For better service to the public th corporation has -- the street light maintenance from sep 2001 for all zones.

Slum Improvement

  1. Total Slums Total no. of slums within the Corporation is 43.

  2. Works for water supply,Public toilets, Road improvement and drainage have been taken up and completed.

  3. No. of works taken up and completed

    Under National Slum Development Programme, a sum of Rs.11.00 lakhs has been allotted. Total of  13 works were taken up and completed at a cost of Rs.49.50 lakhs which includes Rs.34.50 lakhs from Corporation's own funds.