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Public Health | Achievements | S.J.S.R.Y.
Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation - General Achievements

Swarna Jayanti Sahari Rojgar Yojana (S.J.S.R.Y.)

   This scheme was introduced during the year 1997. This scheme is performed with the funds released by the Government of India & Government of Tamil Nadu. The main objective of the scheme is to upgrade the standard of living of the people living below poverty line in urban areas. Survey was taken under the scheme during 1998 inorder to identify the people living BPL. Out of the total families of 1,65,236, identified families below poverty line remained 46,283. Again survey was conducted during the year 2003-2004 and 54621 families were identified under below poverty line out of total families of 2,32,601. Hence 23% of families come below poverty line.

There are 6 components under SJSRY.

1.  U.S.E.P. (SUBSIDY)

   Under this component loan is provided to individuals (Both Men and Women) to a maximum amount of Rs.50,000/- whose educational qualification reamin below 9th Std. for performing individual business. 15% subsidy is given to the above loan amount. 522 beneficiaries are benefited so far under the scheme is which 209 are Males and 313 females.

2.  U.S.E.P. (TRAINING )

   Training for both Men and Women in the Below Poverty line according to their educational qualifications Training also being given to illiterate people. Some institutions were identified for training as follows.

  1. Sri Avinashilingam JSS - Tailoring, Beautification, Photo shop, Computer Training, Fashion Designing Training are given to those people.

  2. Khadi and Village - Candle, Detergent Powder making, Industries Commission Appalam, Screen Printing, Paper conversion,Instant Sambirani, Agarpatti making, Phenoil, Sabeena, Bleaching Powder making & Palm leaf Articles making

  3. TCPS. I.T.Education - 1. DTP, DOA, DHT
                                       2.Cellphone servicing trainings are given

   In this scheme 1267 persons were benefited and Trained in the above activities.Some of them got job opportunities after the training. Trained Person List .


   In this scheme a Community Hall was constructed with an expenditure of 3.73 lakhs in Ward No. 57 at Seeranaickenpalayam.


   This scheme is planned for the urban poor in below poverty line group. Under this scheme loans will be arranged to the groups with atleast 10 Women. In this a maximum of Rs. 2,50,000 will be given as loan through Banks. Among this 50% of loan amount will be sanctioned as subsidy. As on this date there were 32 groups were formed through this scheme. Among this 16 groups were sanctioned a sum of Rs.13.62 as loan and 6.81 lakhs as subsidy. A total member of 170 Women benefited.


   The objective of the scheme is formation of groups with urban Women to educate them in saving practice. The Women in the group has to open a saving Bank account in their group name and according to their ability they contribute some amount once or twice a month and the collected amount is given as loan among the members for moderate interest. An amount of Rs.1000/- per head will be sanctioned as Revolving fund to a maximum Rs.25,000/- to the groups which completes one year. In this Corporation there are 26 women groups with 275 members were benefited. A sum of Rs.2.75 Lakhs sanctioned as revolving fund. About 120 groups formed during 2004-2005 and they will be paid Revolving Fund in this year.


   The Residential Community Volunteers in urban areas are given training under the Community Structure. Yearly well Baby shows were organized through urban health posts in this Corporation. Medical Camps are also organized.

   The persons who were interest and living below poverty line groups may approach the urban Health Posts to get benefit under this scheme along with ration card as evidence.