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Report | Abstract
   Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation - Contingency Plan


Brief Background

         The Coimbatore Corporation measures an extent of 105.06 and as per the 2001 census the population is 9.23 lakhs. The city is well established with large scale industries and Textile Mills. The Coimbatore Corporation is provided with protected water supply since the year 1931. Considering the rapid growth of population the Government of TamilNadu accorded sanction to construct a Dam with the main source of water from Siruvani river. This source has been designed to draw 87 MLD of water. The work of Construction of dam and other connected works were estimated at  a cost of Rs.1616.00 lakhs and Rs.35.00 lakhs for annual maintenance. The works were taken up in the year 1977 and completed in 1982 and have been put to use.

         A Master Service Reservoir with a capacity of 40.00 lakhs litres capacity had been constructed at Bharathi Park Road. From this Master Storage Reservoir water is distributed to 20 service Reservoirs in Coimbatore Town for distribution to public of the western portion.

         To meet out the demands of the public at the Eastern portion of the Coimbatore city the Pilloor water supply scheme was commissioned during the year 1985. This source has been designed to draw 65 MLD of water per day. Under both the schemes put together it has been  proposed  to draw  and  distribute  nearly  150 MLD of  water  per day, an average of 140 lpcd.

Present Storage Position

         During the past two years due to failure of Monsoon and lack of rainfall at the catchment area, level of the Siruvani dam has depleted very low level. The present storage level is recorded to be 870.00 meter against full level of 878.50 meter as on 22.09.2002.

Storage level during the past ten years in meters above MSL

1 22.09.2002 870.00
2 22.09.2001 874.50
3 22.09.2000 876.26
4 22.09.1999 877.89
5 22.09.1998 878.52
6 22.09.1997 878.49
7 22.09.1996 878.48
8 22.09.1995 878.58
9 22.09.1994 878.45
10 22.09.1993 878.50

         At present 60 MLD is drawn everyday from Siruvani system and 60 MLD is drawn everyday from the Pilloor system and supplied to the citizens on alternative days. At the present rate of drawal, Siruvani system can supply water for another 70 days only. The Pilloor system can supply water till January 2003 only.

         The entire city is divided into two sectors with 20 overhead tanks in Siruvani system and 26 overhead tanks in Pilloor system. A plan showing the OHT network is enclosed in Annexe–II. Previously the entire city was supplied with Siruvani system only. Because of this, it is possible to interlink some of the old overhead tanks of Siruvani area from Pilloor source.