Coimbatore Municipal Corporation...
Public Health | Engineering | Town Planning | Revenue
Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation - Revenue

C.F. No:1


Cost of Form: Rs. 10/-

Coimbatore Corporation
Application for Assessment of Property Tax





The Commissioner,
Coimbatore Corporation.


I / We request you to kindly assess the property tax to the house newly constructed and occupied by

 me/us on ______________________________ for which supporting particulars are given below:


1. Door No. / Division No. / street name of the locality in which the house is located


2. Name of the owner of the building


3. Name of the Occupier


4. No.of Storeys plinth areas of each storey


5. The extent of the vacant land

6. The year which the assessable item was last assessed and annual value fixed by the Commissioner.


7. The amount of property tax now being paid per half-year.


8. Whether the assessable item is used for residential or non-residential purpose.


9. Whether the assessable item is wholly rented or partly occupied by the owner and partly rented.


10. Amount received as monthly rent or lease amount per year.


11. No. and date of the document relates to the ownership of the land which is assessable.


12. Whether the license / renewal of license has been obtained from the Corporation for the construction of the building which is referred to herein for assessment purpose? If so the details of license order No. / Renewal order No. and date is to be furnished:


* Cost of Form    : Rs.10/-
* Cost of Service: Free