Coimbatore Municipal Corporation...
Public Health | Engineering | Town Planning | Revenue
Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation - Town Planning

C.F No.8

Cost of Form Rs.10/-


Coimbatore Corporation
Application form for renewal of Building License.





The Commissioner,
Coimbatore Corporation.


Sub : Building - Coimbatore Corporation - sanction of building License for the Construction of building at S.F. No _____________ , __________ Dt ___________Street ___________ D.No ________________ Renewal of License - requested - regarding.

Ref : Proceedings of the Commissioner, Coimbatore Corporation, B.L.No ______________ /93 H Dt ____________________________

  I/ We request you to kindly renew the building license, for a further period of __________ year(s). The particulars for the renewal of the Building License are given below:

1. Name of the applicant:


2. Address to which communication to be sent:


3. Date of sanction of B.A. with License No:


4. Period of License already granted:


5. Period for which renewal sought for:


6. Reason for renewal:


7. Stage of building at present:

Not commenced / Foundation level / Lintel level / Roof level

8. Whether it comes under Major Plan, If so quote the details:



Signature of the Applicant


Yours Sincerely,


  1. Copy of proceedings.
  2. Approved copy of Building Plan.
*Cost of Form   : Rs.10/-