Coimbatore Municipal Corporation...
Public Health | Engineering | Town Planning | Revenue
Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation - Town Planning
C.F No.12 Cost of Form Rs.10/-
Coimbatore Corporation
Application for sub-division / reconstruction required under the scheme clauses for town planning schemes and detailed development plans.




The Director of Town and Country Planning,
807, Anna salai,Madras - 600 002.
The Commissioner,
Coimbatore Corporation.
I / We hereby submitting the Reconstitution / Sub-division approval in T.S.No. _____________________ S.F.No. ________________________ in the village of ___________________ coimbatore with 5 copies of applications, plans, tope sketches and indemnity band & affidavit band and a document copy signed by me / us and the licensed building surveyor. The necessary fees of Rs. ________/- also remitted in challan No. _____________ dated ________________ .
I request you to kindly approve the above sub - Division / Reconstitution at an early date.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,


1) 5 copies of applications.
2) 5 sets of plans with tope sketch.
3) Copy of document.
*Cost of Form : Rs.10/-
* Cost of Service : Rs.30/- per TSNo