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Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation - Recreation


The Corporation Zoo is managed by a Veterinary Officer cum Zoo Director. The zoo was established in the year 1965 in an extent of 4.5 acres. Presently varieties of animals, birds, reptiles and many other species are housed. Proposals are under implementation to provide a modern snake park and to further improve the facilities within the Zoo.


There are several parks maintained by the corporation. They are listed below:

  1. V.O.C Park.
  2. Gandhi Park.
  3. Children's Park.
  4. Toy Train.
  5. Memorial Garden.

The facilities within these parks are constantly being improved.


Coimbatore is well known for its excellent sports facilities and has produced several nationally and internationally well known sports persons. The main sports facilities are listed below:

Nehru Stadium

Flood lights for cricket matches.

Sports Complex

Includes stadium for Volleyball, Ball Badminton & Basketball. There is a tennis court and facilities for games like Skating.

Swimming Pool

The corporation maintains a swimming pool for children under the age of 17.


Coimbatore has a number of Clubs with excellent facilities. Some of these Clubs are listed below:

  1. Indian officers club.
  2. Cosmopolitan club.
  3. R.S.Puram club.
  4. City club.
  5. Social Club.
  6. Coimbatore clubs.

Apart from the above, the city has a large number of movie theatres and stage drama Clubs.

VOC Park Zoo

Establishment Year : 1965
Area : About 7 Areas
Number : About 400 Animals RF 40 Species including Mammals,Birds,Reptiles.
No of Vistors/Annum : 6-7 Lakhs including students and children
Weekly Holiday : Every Tuesday
Entrance Fee : Adult - Rs 3/-
Child - Rs 2/
Special Information : The Zoo contibutes to the conservation of endangered species.The births of different species is a standing testimony.A toy train is operated for children.  Fare : Adule - Rs 1.50 , Child - Rs 1.00

Head of Department

Dr. S. Thiru Kumaran (B.V.Sc.)

Corporation Veterinary Officer and Zoo Director

DOB : 19-11-1965
1) Management of VOC Park Zoo
2) Management of Catile Depots and 150-1000 Bulloks in Conservancy Work
3) Inspection of slaughter Houses
4) Control of stray animal menace